
The Faith In God Church requires that you complete an examination of the educational materials that you have used to broaden and strengthen your understanding of God and His promise.

Also to insure that you have agreed with the professions that are required to confirm your acceptance of Christ and your belief in the Fundamentals Of Faith.

The exam is personalized to you. It is our intent to provide you with a Certificate of Baptismal Reaffirmation if necessary, or our church Baptismal Certificate if applicable. We will provide you with your Certificate of Confirmation and letters of communion to confirm your acceptance of christian practices as required.

The exam is currently mailed to you, however we are working towards an on-line version for your convenience.

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In truth, the body is not a building or structure, 
but more the hearts and souls of the faithful 
that represent the spiritual brick and mortar of 
a community that Christ named “His Assembly.”