The Church:
A building is erected to provide a community with a shelter to gather and worship, typically called a church. The concept is centuries old and the labels may differ in different places in the world. Some places you'll find a kirk. Some may call it a chapel. In all aspects of what it may be called it usually translates to mean a place of worship and most times church. The concept has not only survived the centuries, but has also evolved to become a place for spiritual inspiration and to extend fellowship to the rest of the community outside of a congregation’s normal daily routine.
This was, what most would say to be, a lifetime of dedication. Some may even say it was probably the only what to achieve it at all. For today, both Wendie and Heather have email accounts, and correspondence is almost an instantaneous process. Two different methods, same dedication, same result. The benefits that my wife and Heather have enjoyed over the years has not been affected . . .if maybe for being much faster.
More people today engage and rely on the vehicles of social networks, e-mail, blogging, instant messaging, including new emerging connection technologies that complete our lives and manage global business. The functionality that the Internet provides is a very real experience. The mistake most people make results in their belief that church, such as the Faith In God Church, is not a real experience. After you have read our doctrine, you will fully understand why faith is not restricted to a certain type of venue or process. Consider Faith In God Church a new, additional method for faith and worship.
Becoming a member of the Faith In God Church can be a real experience. it is up to you to embrace it, no differently than it would be up to you to embrace the real experience of attending a traditional church.
I have provided some facts so that you may take comfort in becoming part of a virtual fellowship that is authentic and real. Click on one of the titles, right side on this page, to read the basis of why becoming a member of Faith In God Church is a real experience. You can become a member by clicking the "JOIN NOW" link at the bottom of this page.
The size of a church is sometimes measured equal to the size of its congregation. Small independent churches are localized to their community. Organized faith churches are measured by the amount of churchesacross the country, or globally, counting each congregation of each church location as a part of the whole.
The church's growth, through organized religion, springs from existing independent local churches as a natural evolution to move along with the world as it continually changes. The traditional church will continue to evolve, however; is finding it hard to occupy as large of a presence as it did before. Consider the introduction of social sites on the Internet. The traditional church is attempting to find a place here as well.
My wife, Wendie, enjoys correspondence to others around the world as a pen pal.
She started this practice in her last years of grammar school. She continued through high school and still enjoys it today. She specifically keeps in touch with a pen pal from Scotland. Scotland is the country of our heritage so she most enjoyed being connected to someone from that part of the world.
My wife’s pen-pal, Heather, responded in kind and enjoys staying in contact with her to this day. Wendie would write her letters, mail them and wait for the response which usually took some time. Over the years they shared their experiences, pictures and accomplishments.
They know of each other’s families, shared and congratulated each other on their marriages, birth of children, job promotions and exchanged their promise to pray for each other during times of difficulty.
We had the opportunity to travel to Scotland and during that time we had the great blessing of meeting Heather and her husband while in Edinburgh. It has become a memory that will last us our entire lives, but especially for my wife Wendie.
In truth, the church is not a building or structure,
but more the hearts and souls of the faithful
that represent the spiritual brick and mortar of
a community that Christ named “His Church.”