Please choose the type of prayer request.
Prayer Services
Thousands of testimonials can attest to the power of prayer. Many circles consider prayer the vehicle for positive thinking. The truest expression of hope.
Prayer by the masses has proven to be even more affective. If you are in need of prayers, or know someone who is, please take the opportunity to request it here.
The Faith In God Church will include your request and pray for you, or who you have requested it for, for 30 days from the date of your request.
We will contact you at the end of our prayer vigil and extend our vigil another 30 days if you require it. Take advantage of the hearts that want to pray for all who ask so that all may be blessed by it.
Prayer Agent
A prayer agent is one who wishes to join in the vigil of prayer we offer. Contact Pastor Greg letting him know your desire to increase the numbers of agents that pray for those that have asked for it. You will be sent the link to the vigil page on our site to view the requests and our suggested prayer vigil process.
Please provide any specifics regarding your prayer request, also identifying if the request is for you or someone other than yourself.
In truth, the church is not a building or structure,
but more the hearts and souls of the faithful
that represent the spiritual brick and mortar of
a community that Christ named “His Church.”
To contact Pastor Zoltanski: